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FRACTION - protocol of a phase II study of Fedratinib and Nivolumab combination in patients with myelofibrosis and resistance or suboptimal response to JAK-inhibitor treatment of the German MPN study group (GSG-MPN)
Isfort, Susanne ; Bubnoff, Nikolas von ; Al-Ali, Haifa Kathrin ; Becker, Heiko ; Götze, Thorsten ; Le Coutre, Philipp ; Griesshammer, Martin ; Moskwa, Claudia ; Wohn, Luisa ; Riedel, Johanna
Annals of hematology - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 103 (2024), Heft 8, S. 2775-2785
Bibliographie: Artikel in Zeitschrift Link
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