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Graduate school "Technology Innovations in Therapy and Imaging Graduate School"
Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe, Holger Fritzsche, Elmer Ataide
Stiftungen - Sonstige;
The Technology Innovations in Therapy and Imaging Graduate School will foster the next generation of scientists in the field of innovative image guided therapies and interventions.
The aim of the program is to provide an intensive, research-oriented training in which the students acquire the knowledge in the fields of medicine, electrical engineering, physics, computer science, mathematics and other natural or engineering sciences, and to deepen and expand the skills in the field of Technology Innovations in Therapy and Imaging.
The main focus of the training is on minimally invasive therapy, image guided surgeries, catheter technologies, innovation generation, technical translation and transfer. The transfer of expertise includes the theoretical, methodological and experimental bases for scientific work and promotes the ability for practical, research and teaching-related fields of activity along with sound soft skill development.

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