DZNE Hereditary spastic paraplegia network.
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Vielhaber , Prof. Dr. med. Ludger Schöls
Key tasks within this intersite project are:
• To recruit a representative cohort of HSP patients and assess natural progression
• To establish a HSP biobank and validate potential biomarkers
• To identify novel HSP genes
• To analyze functional effects of HSP mutations
• To define changes in cerebral fibre tracts, regional cortical atrophy and functional
connectivity in ataxia
• To correlate structural or functional neuroimaging findings of specific network disruption
and dysfunction with neuropsychological tasks
• To recruit a representative cohort of HSP patients and assess natural progression
• To establish a HSP biobank and validate potential biomarkers
• To identify novel HSP genes
• To analyze functional effects of HSP mutations
• To define changes in cerebral fibre tracts, regional cortical atrophy and functional
connectivity in ataxia
• To correlate structural or functional neuroimaging findings of specific network disruption
and dysfunction with neuropsychological tasks
Kooperationen im Projekt
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Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Vielhaber
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie
Leipziger Str. 44
Tel.:+49 391 6715001
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