Neuer Bericht "Social Cohesion and Well-Being in Europe"

Im Auftrag der EU-Agentur Eurofound hat Jan Delhey (OvGU Magdeburg) zusammen mit Klaus Böhnke und Georgi Dragolov (beide Jacobs University Bremen) einen Sozialreport über sozialen Zusammenhalt und subjektives Wohlbefinden in Europa verfasst.
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This report provides an analysis of European societies in terms of social cohesion - in particular, social tensions, perceived social exclusion and community engagement are explored as key dimensions. It analyses the links between societal characteristics (quality of society) and well-being of different social groups. The analysis looks at how perceived levels of societal tensions have changed in European societies over time (2003-2016). It also examines which dimensions of social cohesion are most important for individual well-being. The report is based on data from Eurofound s European Quality of Life Survey 2016, the fourth survey since 2003.
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This report provides an analysis of European societies in terms of social cohesion - in particular, social tensions, perceived social exclusion and community engagement are explored as key dimensions. It analyses the links between societal characteristics (quality of society) and well-being of different social groups. The analysis looks at how perceived levels of societal tensions have changed in European societies over time (2003-2016). It also examines which dimensions of social cohesion are most important for individual well-being. The report is based on data from Eurofound s European Quality of Life Survey 2016, the fourth survey since 2003.
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