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The Emmy Noether Programme
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Are you aiming for a professorship and would like to lead an independent junior research group? The Emmy Noether Programme might then be an attractive option for you. In our talk, you will get first-hand information about the DFG, the goals of the Emmy Noether Programme, its eligibility requirements and the type, extend and duration of the funding. We will also explain how the DFG comes to a funding decision and give you advice on preparing a proposal. We are happy to answer your questions during and after the talk. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines as well as research support staff are welcome to join.
Webex: https://dfg.webex.com/dfg/j.php?MTID=m282ba0230410aca8ac7fb7af9a45eaaa

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