5DT Data Glove Ultra
Haus 60a/60b
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Tel.:+49 391 6713431
Fax:+49 391 6715216
The 5DT Data Glove Ultra has been designed to satisfy the stringent requirements of modern motion capture and animation professionals.It offers comfort, ease of use, a small form factor and multiple application drivers. The high data quality, low cross-correlation and high data rate make it ideal for realistic realtime animation.
Diagnostic Glove: Disease diagnosis in daily life from wearable kinematics
Fördergeber - Sonstige;
Weitere Geräte dieser Struktur
- 1.5 T MRT GE: structural and functional Imaging
- 148 channel MEG (BTI): functional Imaging
- 2 x 3.0 T MRT Siemens (1 x MAGNETOM Verio, 1 x MAGNETOM Prisma)
- Agilent Seahorse XF Analyzer
- Biobank -80°C
- Durchflußzytometer BD FACSCelesta
- ERP Systems: : functional Imaging
- Miltenyi autoMACS pro Seperator
- Neon Transfektionssystem Invitrogen
- Philips Affiniti 70
- QuantStudio7 Pro Real-Time-PCR-System
- Siemens MRT
- Siemens Sonoline Elegra Advanced