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Unterstützung konservativer Therapie bei alkohol-induziertem akutem Leberversagen durch allogene Stammzelltransplantation aus Adipozyten
ADeLIVER aims at advancing a cell therapy for acute liver failure (ALF) from non-clinical PoC (current status)
to bringing this urgently needed therapy to patients. The main objective is to perform and successfully conclude
a clinical study for the above mentioned indication, for which an extremely high medical need exists.
The study should measurably and significantly demonstrate:
• Regeneration of liver tissue,
• Reduction of the inflammation of the liver
• Recovery of the liver and thereby
• Its potential to prevent and substitute LTx.
The consortium has already demonstrated substantial experience in the area of cell therapy and related clinical
application; also, the consortium leader (OXC) currently holds a manufacturing authorisation for advanced
therapy medicinal products in ongoing operations that allows steady production and supply of the
investigational medicinal product in continuous high quality. Research progress achieved so far with its new
cell-based therapeutic product Oxacell CULT has led to very promising and compelling results; preparatory
work for the clinical study has well proceeded and future work is thoroughly planned. Therefore, the objectives
of ADeLIVER are realistic and achievable within the project duration of 4 years.

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