Interventional molecular imaging
Molecular imaging, such as Positron Emission Tomography has an important
impact in diagnostic, while it started only recently to be integrated into interventional procedures. Interventional molecular imaging
can provide guidance to localize a target; provide in-room, post-therapy assessment; monitoring of targeted therapeutics delivery.
Interventional molecular imaging is generally based on commercial whole-body PET/CT scanners, which limit the possibility of an entire surgical guidance
procedure, while on-site integration of dedicated devices would definitely benefit the entire guidance.
This project focuses on the study of a dedicated detector, and the potential impact of its integration in brain interventional procedures.
impact in diagnostic, while it started only recently to be integrated into interventional procedures. Interventional molecular imaging
can provide guidance to localize a target; provide in-room, post-therapy assessment; monitoring of targeted therapeutics delivery.
Interventional molecular imaging is generally based on commercial whole-body PET/CT scanners, which limit the possibility of an entire surgical guidance
procedure, while on-site integration of dedicated devices would definitely benefit the entire guidance.
This project focuses on the study of a dedicated detector, and the potential impact of its integration in brain interventional procedures.
In Kooperation mit Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Heidelberg und IPHC Strasbourg
brain imaging, detector, interventional PET, molecular imaging
Geräte im Projekt
Kooperationen im Projekt

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hoeschen
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6718863
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