BAT4ever - Autonomous Polymer based Self-Healing Components for high performant Li-Ion Batteries

The development of substantially improved, sustainable and reliable rechargeable battery cells is a must in the transition towards clean energy and clean mobility. In the Battery Roadmap of EU, the next-generation Li-Ion Batteries are designated to consist of Si and Graphene as anode material, NMC as cathode material and non-flammable ionic liquids as electrolytes. The demand for higher-energy-density battery systems can be explored by silicon however the related degradation problems must be overcome. Further needs for high-performance LIBs are the achievement of longer cycling stability and avoidance of thermal activated dangers such explosion and flammability of batteries. These issues can be toggled by the use of system tailored self-healing battery components. This is exactly the knowledge and competitiveness BAT4EVER project are offering to generate. The expertise on self-healing polymers systems, the novel polymerized and self-healing polymer integrated ILs and advance core/shell structured NMC nanoparticles and self-healing surface coating protected silicon anodes technologies are convincing in strengthening the European Battery industry to be competitive in the World Battery Market and in providing European society with safer and long-lasting battery products. This consortium contains partners with special expertise on a wide spectrum of battery field, from material synthesis and testing, to cell production and final application. The consortium will develop new knowledge on self-healing materials and demonstrate their applicability and sustainability. The partners will achieve a breakthrough in the development of future self-healing batteries. The BAT4EVER consortium is a strong partnership between leading universities (VUB, MLU, UCM, Unimore), research centre (DLR) and industry (IOL, Enwair, Vestel, Cleancarbs, Lithops). 5 European countries (Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg) are present in this consortium, together with Turkey, associate member of Europe.
Kooperationen im Projekt
- Vrije Universiteit Brussels
- Enwair enerji teknolojileri anonim sirketi
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft - und Raumfahrt e.V.
- IOLITEC Ionic Liquids Technologies GmbH
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Universitá degli Studi die Modena e Reggio Emilia
- LITHOBS S.r.l.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Binder
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4
Halle (Saale)
Tel.:+49 345 5525930
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