Exzellenzcluster SE²A: C3.1 - Funtional 3D design and experimental validation of shape adaptive fan blading
In the first phase of SE2A, Project C3.1 explored the potential of morphing high pressure compressor blade designs based on titanium alloys and composite actuators made of active materials. To further expand and enhance the morphing capabilities of engine blades, the subsequent project focuses on state-of-the-art UHBR fan blading. By applying 3D-design measures, such as sweep and dihedral as well as alternative materials and advanced actuation concepts, this research aims to boost sustainability of future aircraft engine concepts, independent of the respective propulsion architecture. In the design of UHBR fan blading, the focus especially lies on a composite blade body to increasingly tailor the achievable morphing magnitudes and shapes. Through structural morphing simulations and aerodynamic performance evaluations a suitable blade prototype is identified and manufactured. The composite blade prototype and its morphing behavior is then experimentally evaluated under realistic but static load conditions as a preparation for a future application in a rotating environment.
Kooperationen im Projekt

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Peter Monner
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 531 2952314
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