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EFFTA Efficient Production Systems for Emerging Countries - Toyota Production System (TPS) - Transfer- and Adaptation Capabilities Methodology for Enhanced Supply Networks
Master Industrial - Eng. Idris Zehrudin Muhammed
EFFTA  Efficient Production Systems for Emerging Countries - Toyota Production System (TPS) - Transfer- and Adaptation Capabilities Methodology for Enhanced Supply Networks
Production systems have evolved over the years in response to evolution of new methods, product quality and complexity, global competition, new technologies and materials. To meet current multiple interest of customers and improve position, organizations attempt to adapt world-class production approaches such as TPS that enable efficient use of resources, process upgrading in real-time experiences and securing complementary network capability in the value chain. While these production system implementations can build competitive capability, adapting these methods and principles to emerging countries contexts is found difficult. Production system transferability and fairness of enforcing imported methods into specific organization contexts remain major unsolved issues. The project develops a TPS capability adaptation method that takes into account exploitation of indigenous methods, culture dynamics and existing organizational capabilities. The base for mirroring the research to practical cases is a structured survey in two groups of contextually differing industries in Germany on one hand and Ethiopia on the other. By cross-referencing the literature, the survey and numerous expert opinions, a production system adaptation methodology is created that underpins a small number of organizational key attributes. The findings confirm that production system success is highly correlated with organization readiness, managing transformation, emergent process stability and sustaining competiveness.The method highlights the significance of indigenous practices and cultural beliefs of regions contributing to the intended global transfer and adaptation success.


Emerging Regions, Indigenous Management Method, Toyota Production System, Transfer of Method

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