Prof. Dr. Frank Ohl
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
Brenneckestraße 6
Tel.:+49 391 626395481
Forschungsnews Profil Service
1984 | Abitur, Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium, Groß-Bieberau. |
1984-1991 | Studies of Biology, Technical University of of Darmstadt. |
1991 | Diploma, Department of Biology, Technical University of Darmstadt. Thesis: Learning-induced plasticity in spectrotemporal receptive fields in auditory cortex. Predicate: summa cum laude. |
1992-1995 | Supported by DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Theory and physiology of neuronal networks". |
1995 | Dissertation, Department of Biology, Technical University of Darmstadt. Thesis: Nonlinear neuronal interactions between spectral components in complex signal representation in auditory cortex. Predicate: summa cum laude. |
1996-1997 | Postdoc at the Leibniz Insitute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg. Research on cortical processing of temporal sound features. |
1997-1998 | Postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Research on neuronal dynamics in awake behaving animals. |
1999-now | Group leader at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg. Setup of a laboratory for the study of multichannel cortical neurodyamics in awake behaving rodents. Establishment of single-trial analysis methods. Research on learning-induced plasticity. Teaching at the departments of Neuroscience and Physics and at the Medical School. Supervision of graduate projects (dissertations) from science departments and medical departments. |
2002 | Habilitation at the Faculty of Medicine at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. |
2003 | Winner of the "BioFuture" award of the BMBF. |
2004 | "Secundo loco" in the list for a C3 professorship for physiology at the Faculty for Medicine of the University of Hamburg (under Prof. A.K. Engel) |
2004 | "Secundo loco" in the list for a C3 professorship for Experimental Audiology |
2006 | Deadline of a call to a W2 professorship at the University of Münster |
2006 - 2011 | W2/C3 Professor, University of Magdeburg |
since 2010 | Coordinator of the SFB 779 "Neurobiology of motivated behavior" |
2010 | Shortlisted for professor position W3 (primo loco) University of Tübingen |
2010 | Shortlisted for professor position W3 (primo loco) University of Freiburg |
2011 | Decline of a call to a W3 professorship at the University of Freiburg |
since 2011 | Director of the Department "System physiology of learning" at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg |
since 2011 | W3-Professor, University of Magdeburg, Institute for Biology |
- Single and multichannel recording of multiple single unit spike activity and local field activity in awake performing gerbils
- Mutlichannel intracortical microstimulation in awake performing gerbils
- Analysis of animal behaviour. Focus on go/(no-go) conditioning paradigms with simultaneous electrophysiological recordings
- CSD-analysis based on simultaneous multi-depths recordings
- State-space analysis of ongoing cortical activity
- 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography
- Human EEG/ERP
- Optogenetics
- Single and multichannel recording of multiple single unit spike activity and local field activity in awake performing gerbils
- Mutlichannel intracortical microstimulation in awake performing gerbils
- Analysis of animal behaviour. Focus on go/(no-go) conditioning paradigms with simultaneous electrophysiological recordings
- CSD-analysis based on simultaneous multi-depths recordings
- State-space analysis of ongoing cortical activity
- 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography
- Human EEG/ERP
Forschung Kooperationen
- ABINEP-Module 2: Neurophysiology and Computational Modelling of Neuronal Networks
- ABINEP: Internationale Graduiertenschule Analyse, Bildgebung und Modellierung neuronaler und entzünd...
- GRK 779: Neurophysiologie der Verhaltenssteuerung
- SPP 1665: Kausale Rolle von Hirnoszillationen für Wahrnehmungsprozesse
- Prof. Robert Kozma, University of Memphis, USA
- Prof. Bertram Schmidt, Uni Magdeburg; Prof. Sonja Grün, Forschungszentrum Jülich