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Fördergeber - Sonstige
The coaching services, operated by GALATEA partners aims to facilitate and support SMEs to carry out their innovation and scale-up activities. SMEs can apply individually to get support on:
- Service#1 Business model elaboration: Support on business model assessment to ensure proper planning set, alignment with market requirements and conditions, etc.
- Service#2 Technology expertise: Support on technology potential for given markets
- Service#3 Internationalisation: Support on international diffusion of beneficiary/ solution to develop new business, to participate in matchmaking sessions and implement actions to maximise collaborations.
- Service#4 Funding Opportunities: Support on exploring funding opportunities suitable to the SMEs' mission and needs and on developing and submitting proposals to funding schemes.
The total number of Services planned is 70 and may be provided in various forms, such as individual meetings, one or more sessions, webinars, collectives meetings, etc. at an average estimation of 4 working days/ service and no less than 1 working day/ service. The Services will be provided from June 2021 until January 2023.
Applicants must either be:
- innovative SMEs from the Maritime (port, ship, shipyard, maritime surveillance), ICT, Aerospatial, Aeronautic sectors wishing to submit proposals related to Blue Growth or
- members of one of the GALATEA consortium clusters or established or with a branch office in the GALATEA territorial scope (France; Greece; Poland; Romania and Spain)
Further information: