DVAplus research Dynamic Vessel Analyzer
Haus 65
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Tel.:+49 391 6721800
Fax:+49 391 6721803
Dynamisches Blutgefäß-Analyse Systems zur dynamischen retinalen Blutgefäßanalyse in den Augen von Patienten und Probanden.
The influence of eye yoga on vascular regulation and neuroplasticity in vision loss
Stiftungen - Sonstige;
Vascular dysregulation in glaucoma: retinal vasoconstriction and normal neurovascular coupling in al...
Microsaccades in normal vision and in glaucoma and its treatment with eye movement training
Stiftungen - Sonstige;
Microsaccades, vision restoration and brain network reorganization in glaucoma patients and effects ...