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Research, innovation and graduation for socio-ecological systems in motion (R4SES)
Research, innovation and graduation for socio-ecological systems in motion (R4SES)

The Asia-Pacific Research Area (APRA) is the third largest research and education area in the world next to Europe and North America, and its importance is rapidly growing. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been funding projects that focus on conceptual and preparatory measures of German universities to establish joint research presences with top research facilities in APRA. The aim of the program is to support particularly the networking between German universities and APRA countries and joint contribution to boosting the innovation systems both in Germany and the partner countries for their mutual benefit.

As an APRA funding project, the R4SES has a goal to develop sustainable cooperation with leading institutions in APRA countries with the thematic focus on research, innovation and education for societies in transition.
The structure of R4SES

The APRA region is considered one of the most innovative and economically significant markets for the future. Research, technology and educational collaboration with APRA partners would promote both the joint strengthening of career paths of scientists and the development of interdisciplinary / transdisciplinary scientific topics. In the first phase, potential partner institutions in India, South Korea, South East Asia, China and their neighboring countries will be identified. Then, bilateral and multilateral collaboration with partners will be agreed. Under the partnership, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and mobility programs will be developed. The second phase focuses on the consolidation of long-term partnerships. In consideration of funding feasibility and thematic relevance, joint research applications will be submitted to the ongoing EU framework program Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, ERASMUS+, etc. Long-term joint training/teaching courses and research infrastructures will be developed within the framework of the cooperation agreements. Such research and mobility networks can be extended across Asia and Europe.

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