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Pattern of Precipitation in the Himalayas and Didactic Philosophy of the Downstream Community
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung ;
Precipitation analysis in the Himalayas is limited to few researches. Thus leaving no significant trace of evidence about the pattern. However, this scenario changes significantly in specific points of the Himalayas, for example: the central and eastern Himalayas. Such researches are focused mainly in these parts due to data availability and accessibility. Koshi river basin falls under the eastern Himalayas. Working with four questions as mentioned in precipitation analysis part will take the research in the field of precipitation in Himalayas a step further as very few significant researches till date has covered area focused on this research site. This research will generate crucial information about the characteristics of Koshi river basin. Therefore, signifying its importance to communities living nearby the river network. 
This relation of river and livelihood is not a part of environmental education at schools in these regions. Rather the education is focused on urban air, water, soil and noise pollution. Along with that environmental education is focused on the problem rather than solution. Thus analysing environmental education content will clarify this issue, and information of student s knowledge on river livelihood relation and their attitude towards environment will help to develop a new focus on environmental education at this region. Environmental change such as: impact of river on communities is not likely to happen overnight. It is a long process and when students are aware of these things then they can play an important part in their community in the future to tackle these problems with solution orientation approach. This is the main aim of this research, to develop / recommend solution oriented environmental education as per the student s local environment. River livelihood relation is only one part of environmental education and lot more is needed in this region, but for a start this topic will also be fruitful in the future.


Earth Slides, Education for Sustainable Landuse, Himalaya

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