MEMoRIAL-M2.7 | Mechanical simulations of fiber-reinforced plastics based on parameters of the injection molding process
M.Sc. Stefan Bergmann

In the production of thermoplastically formed honeycomb structures, simple standard material equations from various finite element method (FEM) systems fail. Differences to real experiments occur. Furthermore, each honeycomb of the structure has to be constructed, which takes a lot of time.
>> Creation of a material model that makes it possible to build the structure more simply and to still specify the stresses correctly
>> Homogenisation of the structure; spring-damper substitute model; use of a representative elementary volume (RVE); transfer of the data into a unit cell
Though not for the application initially focused on, a unit cell was developed which simulates the behaviour of a honeycomb structure.
The work has to be extended not least with respect to a complex check for error causes in order to exclude the individually possible error sources.
A test environment was created. The determined stress values were homogenised and checked for correctness. Furthermore, the data were used in a unit cell to determine the comparison with the normal structure.
Material model, homogenisation, honeycomb structure, polypropylene, viscoelasticity
In the production of thermoplastically formed honeycomb structures, simple standard material equations from various finite element method (FEM) systems fail. Differences to real experiments occur. Furthermore, each honeycomb of the structure has to be constructed, which takes a lot of time.
>> Creation of a material model that makes it possible to build the structure more simply and to still specify the stresses correctly
>> Homogenisation of the structure; spring-damper substitute model; use of a representative elementary volume (RVE); transfer of the data into a unit cell
Though not for the application initially focused on, a unit cell was developed which simulates the behaviour of a honeycomb structure.
The work has to be extended not least with respect to a complex check for error causes in order to exclude the individually possible error sources.
A test environment was created. The determined stress values were homogenised and checked for correctness. Furthermore, the data were used in a unit cell to determine the comparison with the normal structure.
Material model, homogenisation, honeycomb structure, polypropylene, viscoelasticity
Wiss. Co-Betreuende / Scientific Co-Supervisors: Dr.-Ing. Matthias Zscheyge (Fraunhofer-IMWS, Halle/Saale)
Kooperationen im Projekt
- Fraunhofer-Pilotanlagenzentrum für Polymersynthese und -verarbeitung PAZ, AG Thermoplastbasierte Faserverbund-Bauteile, Schkopau, GER
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systemen IMWS, Halle/Saale, GER
- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Zscheyge (Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systemen IMWS, Halle/Saale)
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Holm Altenbach
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6758814
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