Implementation of polymer degrading enzymes for selective product isolation in unconventional reaction (within SmartProSys)
Enzymatic degradation of polymer materials has become an efficient alternative to "classical" chemical processes and catalysts. Especially in recent years, the efficiency of the enzyme systems involved has been significantly increased. In addition to the basic question of which enzyme system to use, the efficient process approach is relevant.
Within this initial start-up project, the corresponding enzyme systems will be i) established for on-site conversions and ii) transferred to unconventional reaction media (PETase, cutinase, etc.). This will be achieved by the selective formation of intermediates and separation in/from equilibrium systems, which are not accessible in/from purely aqueous reaction systems. In particular, selective crystallization for the separation of monoesters/monocarboxylic acids will be investigated, which allow a simplified re-synthesis pathway. Further methods for selective separation of the desired compounds will be carried out in cooperation with the other working group within the SmartProSys-Inititative.
Within this initial start-up project, the corresponding enzyme systems will be i) established for on-site conversions and ii) transferred to unconventional reaction media (PETase, cutinase, etc.). This will be achieved by the selective formation of intermediates and separation in/from equilibrium systems, which are not accessible in/from purely aqueous reaction systems. In particular, selective crystallization for the separation of monoesters/monocarboxylic acids will be investigated, which allow a simplified re-synthesis pathway. Further methods for selective separation of the desired compounds will be carried out in cooperation with the other working group within the SmartProSys-Inititative.

Prof. Dr. habil. Jan von Langermann
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6751440
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