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GABI-FUTURE-Verbundvorhaben "Ein Forschungskonsortium zur Aufklärung quantitativer Gen-Phänotyp-Interaktionen in pathogenbefallener Gerste - GABI-PHENOME (Teilprojekt C)
Susanne Köllmer
In this work package (WP) high throughput ATMT in combination with a pathogenicity screen will be used to identify pathogenicity genes and developmental regulators of the cereal pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana. This approach is linked to quantitative assessment of fungal pathogenic developmental patterns by fluorescence microscopy and by qPCR, so that pathogenesis of wildtype and different mutant strains can be described qualitatively and quantitatively. In addition, this approach also allows quantification of the effects of tagged genes in plant infection.


Bipolaris sorokiniana, fluorescence microscopy, fungal pathogenic

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