Evolvable Network Design for Urban Mobility Infrastructure: A Data-Driven Approach
M.Sc. Sai Kancharla
Transportation networks are vital to urban development, supporting economic growth,
social interaction, and environmental management. From an operator’s perspective, developing
mobility services in dynamic urban environments presents significant challenges.
These include managing the complexities of multi-modal traffic flows and balancing the
diverse interests involved in infrastructure development. To address these challenges,
it is crucial to understand how to strategically deploy mobility services that can adapt
to changing conditions and evolving demand. The project’s goal is to develop methods
to design adaptable or evolvable mobility solutions, such as the optimal placement of
charging stations, by using network and multi-objective optimization techniques that can
adapt to varying conditions and future uncertainties. These methods consider multiple
stakeholder needs to ensure that services can robustly evolve in response to changing
demand and infrastructure conditions. Additional consideration is the transferability of
these strategies across diverse urban contexts.
social interaction, and environmental management. From an operator’s perspective, developing
mobility services in dynamic urban environments presents significant challenges.
These include managing the complexities of multi-modal traffic flows and balancing the
diverse interests involved in infrastructure development. To address these challenges,
it is crucial to understand how to strategically deploy mobility services that can adapt
to changing conditions and evolving demand. The project’s goal is to develop methods
to design adaptable or evolvable mobility solutions, such as the optimal placement of
charging stations, by using network and multi-objective optimization techniques that can
adapt to varying conditions and future uncertainties. These methods consider multiple
stakeholder needs to ensure that services can robustly evolve in response to changing
demand and infrastructure conditions. Additional consideration is the transferability of
these strategies across diverse urban contexts.
Kooperationen im Projekt
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sanaz Mostaghim
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für Intelligente Kooperierende Systeme
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6752853
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