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Entwicklung von Gerstenlinien mit gesteigertem Ertrag und verbesserter Kornqualität unter Trockenstress während der Kornfüllung, Teilprojekt B (BMBF, GABI-GRAIN)
Timothy March
Die Kurzbeschreibung steht leider nur in Englisch zur Verfügung.
Drought stress during grain filling can result in reduced grain filland subsequent loss in grain yield. As part of GABI-GRAIN, this projectaims to identify novel exotic proteins associated with improved droughttolerance during grain filling in barley. To achieve this aim a set ofspring barley introgression lines (S42-ILs) that originate from thecross Scarlett (H. vulgare) x ISR42-8 (H. spontaneum) (Schmalenbach etal. 2008 ) were screened for drought tolerance during grain filling. Intotal 49 S42-ILs and Scarlett as the control genotype were grown in theglasshouse using an automated irrigation system. At 10 days postanthesis (DPA) the irrigation system was set to provide well-wateredand drought stress conditions. Plants were scored for physiologicaltraits including flowering time, grain maturity, biomass, number ofears, grains per ear, thousand grain weight, grain yield and harvestindex. This phenotype data was then used for line by trait associationstudies to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). This analysisidentified exotic alleles associated with increased and also decreasedplant performance under drought stress. Furthermore, we could alsoconfirm several QTL detected in previous field experiments using thisS42-IL population. To understand the molecular mechanism controllingidentified QTL a proteomics study is underway. From selected droughttolerant S42-ILs and Scarlett that have been grown under well-wateredand drought stress conditions proteins will be extracted from grainsamples collected at 12, 16, 20 and 24 DPA. Differentially expressedproteins will then be detected using quantitative 2D gelelectrophoresis. Identified proteins associated with improved droughttolerance can then potentially be used as diagnostic bio-markers toassist in the selection of higher yielding barley lines under droughtconditions. Furthermore, this research will give a greaterunderstanding of the genetic and biochemical mechanisms that controldrought tolerance in barley.


Projektpartner: 1. IPK Gatersleben, 2. Universität Halle, 3. Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Köln, 4. Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Golm, 5 KWS-Lochow GmbH, Bergen 6 Nordsaat Saatzucht GmbH, Böhnshausen


Gerste, Introgressionslinien, Proteomics, Trockenstress

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