ECU-MAES: A National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping for the status and future development of ecosystem services and biodiversity - a fast track study in Ecuador
Dr. rer. nat. Janina Kleemann ,
Prof. Dr. habil. Christine Fürst , Prof. Dr. Cuenca Pablo, Dr. Noh Jin, Koo Hongmi
In ECU-MAES, we plan a joint mapping and assessment of the capacities of ecosystems that provide regulating, provisioning and cultural services as a fast track study to initiate the ecosystem services assessment on national level and to deepening joint research activities on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Ecuador.
Kooperationen im Projekt
Dr. rer. nat. Janina Kleemann
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4
Halle (Saale)
Tel.:+49 345 526028
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