Modern Composite Materials Applied in Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering: Theoretical Modelling and Experimental Verification
The project aims for establishing new areas of competence at Lublin University of Technology (LUT) comprising modelling of composite materials and their applications to civil, mechanical and aircraft engineering. The major goal and novelty of the project is to link together nano-, micro-, meso- and macro-scales to get perfect description of the composite behaviour under different loadings, temperature and environmental conditions. The project implementation will result in creating a leading research and education centre in the Middle-East part of Europe in modern composite materials and their applications to construction elements. With regard to research, it is envisaged to develop modern approaches to engineering structures made of composite and smart materials using non-linear theory for static and dynamic loading, new concepts of control, optimisation of the structure and methods of experimental investigations and identification of models. With regard to education, it is planned to provide teaching at the European level, consistent with EC priorities - by introducing new courses to existing Ph.D. studies programme, arranging advanced courses for the LUT staff and training LUT staff at partner institutions. It is envisaged to strengthen co-operation with the local industry: Polish Aviation Work Swidnik S.A. , Wiz-Art Ltd, local SME and new company AERONET- Aeronautic Valley, promote new technologies of composites and structural elements production and foster innovation to the local enterprises. In terms of socio-economical aspects, ToK project will help Lublin area (where LUT is situated)- as less favoured region - to compensate disproportion.The proposed project will increase international competitiveness of LUT in the field of composite materials and their applications to engineering structures. Involvement of LUT in joint European research projects will be enhanced by increase of long term research and collaborative capacity of LUT with EU institutions.
Chaos, composites, control, damage and fracture mechanics, non-linear dynamics, solid and structural mechanics, vibrations

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Holm Altenbach
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für Werkstoffe, Technologien und Mechanik
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6758814
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