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Sub-100 ps TOF CRT impact in interventional molecular brain imaging
Time Of Flight (TOF) capability in PET imaging enhances Signal to Noise Ratio in inverse proportion to the temporal resolution. The Coincidence Resolving Time (CRT) in commercial PET scanners is about 500 ps (FWHM) but current technology limit approaches 10 ps CRT (FWHM) corresponding to 1.5 mm spatial resolution.

TOF increases lesion detection capability, the robustness of iterative reconstruction, and reduces bias in quantification through improved
attenuation, scatter, and random corrections. This investigation studies through simulations the possible enhancements in brain imaging of sub-100 ps CRT technology, in both static and dynamic brain studies.
We will develop prototyp PET detectors.


Kooperation mit Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (DE) und Nuevo Hospital La Fe-Valencia (ES)


TOF PET, brain imaging, fast detectors

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