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Typus-Exemplare des Herbariums Halle
B. Heuchert, N. Tkach
Stiftungen - Sonstige;
The herbarium of the University of Halle-Wittenberg contains some 500,000 specimens, encompassing 340,000 vascular plants (seed plants, ferns and fern-allies), 70,000 fungi and lichens, 80,000 mosses and 10,000 algae, with a focus on European collections, including the Mediterranean region, Asia (especially Mongolia), and important historical collections mainly from Central and South America, Australia and South Africa. We have already identified 5,000 type specimens in the herbarium HAL, but we estimate the total number as more than 8,000. The project digitizes the type specimens with high resolution scans and adds accompanying taxonomic and protologue informations. The work is financed by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (US) as part of the Global Plant Initiative .

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