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Shared APM-Driven Performance and Capacity Management of Enterprise Applications
MSc Hendrik Müller
In the domain of enterprise applications, organizations usually implement third-party standard software components in order to save costs. Hence, application performance monitoring (APM) activities constantly produce log entries that are comparable to a certain extent, holding the potential for valuable collaboration within and across organizational borders. Taking advantage of this fact, the research project investigates the comparability and applicability of APM data to serve as an input for a domain-specific performance knowledge base, which integrates different organizations that utilize the same standard software components. Therefore, the research artefact is aimed to support decisions of capacity management and performance engineering activities, carried out during early design phases of planned enterprise applications and planned application changes. Hence, knowledge that has been applied to deploy existing landscapes can be extracted and applied to new scenarios using data-driven techniques such as optimization algorithms and prediction models, saving costs and time compared to the state of the art.


Datenbanken, Failover, FlexFrame, Fujitsu, High Availability, In-Memory, SAP HANA

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