Mutual Interaction between Climate Change and Rainwater Harvesting in Arid Regions Using Geomatics and Hydrological Approaches
The aspects and various perspectives of water harvesting will be investigated at the universities of Harz
University of Applied Sciences (HSH), Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and the
Jordanian Universities Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) and Jordan University of Science and
Technology (JUST). The mutual interactions between climate change and rainwater harvesting will be
studied. The increasing impact of climate change on the water harvesting potential will be assessed. In
addition, the role of water harvesting as an adaptation measure to climate change will be analysed. The goal is to develop innovative ideas that can be pursued efficiently in a more targeted manner, applied more rapidly in practice, and finally implemented in the market. German and Jordanian scientists who are pursuing collaboration by submitting this proposal cover a wide range of research topics in the field of water harvesting and management research.
University of Applied Sciences (HSH), Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and the
Jordanian Universities Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) and Jordan University of Science and
Technology (JUST). The mutual interactions between climate change and rainwater harvesting will be
studied. The increasing impact of climate change on the water harvesting potential will be assessed. In
addition, the role of water harvesting as an adaptation measure to climate change will be analysed. The goal is to develop innovative ideas that can be pursued efficiently in a more targeted manner, applied more rapidly in practice, and finally implemented in the market. German and Jordanian scientists who are pursuing collaboration by submitting this proposal cover a wide range of research topics in the field of water harvesting and management research.
Kooperationen im Projekt

Prof. Dr. Hardy Pundt
HS Harz für angewandte Wissenschaften
FB Automatisierung und Informatik
Friedrichstraße 57-59
Tel.:+49 3943 659300
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