Learntech Accelerator (LEA)
Philipp Schüßler,
Marcus Röhming

Based upon the finding from IMAILE PCP of Innovative STEM/PLE (www.imaile.eu), the project LEARNTECH ACCELERATOR ( LEA) will take a quantum leap from being one standalone project to critical mass of European procurers who will:
LEA WP- METHODOLOGY is developed in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives and with focus to "ACCELERATE":
- Unify LEA procurers network and "Observer Cities "
- Implement IMAILE PCP lessons learned as LEA baseline
- Recommend a LEARNTECH Demand policy - 2030 to reduce fragmentation of the public sector
- Enable increased dialogue between demand/ supply side
- Provide transfer of knowledge for the LEARNTECH community ( other procurers, industry, start-ups , end - users
- and policy level) in order to remove barriers of innovative procurement
- Prepare one PPI ( based upon IMAILE) and one additional future PCP
- Speed up awareness rising of innovative procurement including cross sectorial value chains
LEA WP- METHODOLOGY is developed in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives and with focus to "ACCELERATE":
- LEA network collaboration ( WP 2)
- Demand policy recommendations ( WP 3)
- Dialogue tools/ venues between demand & supply side ( WP 4)
- Knowledge transfer within the community ( WP5)
- Awareness rising on EU level ( WP 6)
- This unified and knowledge based action will result in the LEA ROADMAP 2030 including:
- -Critical mass of European procurers of LEARNTECH in collaboration acting first customers
- User cases for evidence of cost& time saving/ standardization/ interoperability as results of innovative procurement
- 2030 LEARNTECH market foresight and demand policy
- Training material/methods/tools for increased competence and dynamic dialogue among LEARNTECH community
- One prepared PPI absed upon IMAILE with lessons learned
- One addtional prepared PCP identified in LEA Implementation of the LEA project shall contribute to SMART, INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE DEMAND BASED DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGY
Kooperationen im Projekt
- Ayuntamiento de viladecans, Spanien
- Inovamais – Servicos de consultadoria em inovacao tecnologica S.A., Portugal
- Varbergs Kommun, Schweden
- Enter-European network for transferand exploitation of european project results, Österreich
- Oulun Yliopisto, Finnland
- Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg, Deutschland
- Konneveden Kunta, Finnland
- INNOVA Eszak-Alfoeld Regionalis fejlesztesi es Innovacios Uegynoekseg non profit korlatolt feleloessegue tarsasag KFT, Ungarn
- Halmstad kommun, Schweden
Dr. Henry Herper
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für Simulation und Graphik
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 6752 866
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