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Center for Excellence for Modern Composites Applied in Aerospace and Surface Transport Infrastructure (FP7 - 245479 CEMCAST)
Ziel des Projektes mit Hilfe eines internationalen Konsortiums, bestehend aus 10 europäischen Partnern, ein Exzellenzzentrum an der TU Lublin zu schaffen. Dieses soll die Forschung zu Kompositwerkstoffen an der Universität koordinieren und bündeln sowie die Kooperation zur regionalen Luftfahrtindustrie stärken. Wesentliche inhaltliche Fragestellungen sind mit dem Sprödverhalten von Kompositen, der Bruchmechanik, aber auch mit dem Leichtbaupotential verbunden.
The project aims at continuation and advancement of activities initiated in FP6 ToK project MTKD ? CT - 2004 ? 014058 at the Centre for Modern Composite Materials (CMCM) created at the Lublin University of Technology (LUT). It is planned: a) to unlock and develop the full research potential and increase research capacities of the CMCM staff in the areas of competence comprising modelling of composite and smart materials and their applications to aerospace and transport infrastructure (pavements and airfields), also modelling and control of dynamics of structures made of composites b) to establish new areaof competence: innovative technologies for manufacturing of composites, c) to upgrade research equipmentfor testing of composite materials. The project objectives will be accomplished by a coherent set of the following complementary actions: twinning collaboration, recruitment of experienced researchers, organisation of workshops and mini-symposia, participation in international conferences, purchase of equipment. The project implementation will result in creating a leading research centre in the Middle-East part of Europe in the multidisciplinary area encompassing modelling and experimental testing of composite and smart materials and their application to aircrafts, pavements and airfields. The proposed project will strengthen co-operation with the regional industry, in terms of socio-economic aspects: will help to compensate disproportion (Lublin region is a less favoured one). It is also envisaged that the project will increase visibility and competitiveness at international level of the CMCM in the field of composite materials and their applications to engineering structures, resulting in deeper involvement of the CMCM in FP7 projects and better integration of the CMCM in the ERA.
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Center for Excellence for Modern Composites Applied in Aerospace and Surface Transport Infrastructure (FP7 - 245479 CEMCAST)
Ziel des Projektes mit Hilfe eines internationalen Konsortiums, bestehend aus 10 europäischen Partnern, ein Exzellenzzentrum an der TU Lublin zu schaffen. Dieses soll die Forschung zu Kompositwerkstoffen an der Universität koordinieren und bündeln sowie die Kooperation zur regionalen Luftfahrtindustrie stärken. Wesentliche inhaltliche Fragestellungen sind mit dem Sprödverhalten von Kompositen, der Bruchmechanik, aber auch mit dem Leichtbaupotential verbunden.