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Measuring road transport results towards 2ZERO KPIs (2ZERO Partnership)
In order to properly monitor the contribution of the different funded projects to the achievements of the 2ZERO partnership objectives, a common framework for monitoring and assessment of the results needs to be agreed, ultimately allowing their comparison and a proper evaluation of their cumulative benefits at an EU level. Moreover, general objectives, such as a carbon-neutral road transport system by 2050, air quality, technology leadership, economic growth, European competitiveness, and circular economy aspects should be also addressed. In order to do so, proposals are expected to address all of the following aspects:
- Assess and measure results related to the specific partnership KPIs, how they are predicted to vary (as a consequence of the project outcomes) in the 2025 to 2035 period.
- Exploit the capabilities and techniques generated through the development and delivery of digital twin representations and of the results of the 2ZERO funded projects.
- Address at least the means of measuring all relevant parameters related to the 2ZERO KPIs: more generically, climate, air quality and circular economy aspects could also be quantitatively projected.
The project's main governance (e.g. Steering Group, Advisory Board) is expected to provide for direct involvement of all relevant stakeholders, as well as relevant European Commission services. The selected project will cooperate with the 2ZERO partnership that shall on its side provide access to all needed data and element in order to perform the foreseen activities.
The project should take account Open Science, its practices and learning, and the project's results will be enacted in line with FAIR principles for data.
This topic implements the co-programmed European Partnership on 'Towards zero emission road transport' (2ZERO). As such, projects resulting from this topic will be expected to report on the results to the European Partnership 'Towards zero emission road transport' (2ZERO) in support of the monitoring of its KPIs.
In its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), the 2ZERO partnership identified a large number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to its general, specific and operational objectives - that are not directly under the control of the 2ZERO partnership. In order to analyse the effectiveness and impact of the research and innovation actions in this relevant area, project results are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:
- Account for the contribution of the 2ZERO partnership and the results of its projects, towards its main goals (as measured against the whole set of the identified KPIs).
- Support the identification and quantification of all interactions, impacts and effectiveness of the partnership within the road transport challenge, mainly as a result of the information gleaned from the 2ZERO partnership project results.
- Provide additional recommendations for further development and analysis of means of measurement and evaluation of the partnership within the road transport challenge.
Further Information: