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The Coal Rush and Beyond
Stiftungen - Sonstige;
This research project investigates coal reliance, climate change and contested futures. Globally, coal extraction and burning has been booming in the last decade. This inter-disciplinary project investigates the 'coal rush' in sociopolitical terms, asking how coal reliance emerges, and whether it might be superseded. The research seeks explanations of why new coal mines and coal-fired power stations are constructed, investigates social conflicts centred on new coal facilities, and analyses what social factors may enable transition from coal. Local sites, three national contexts, and transnational connections will be compared to develop a nuanced understanding of coal. The research team is undertaking a 3 year study of coal in Australia, Germany and India.

"The Coal Rush and Beyond" is based at the University of Technology Sydney. It is funded by the Australian Research Council. The project website with more detailed information is available at coalrush.net.

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