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African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
In close collaboration with the Fundo Nacional de Investigação (FNI) of the Republic of Mozambique and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of the Republic of Zambia, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to invite researchers to engage in a scientific exchange in the field of public health.
This initiative covers all research questions that are primarily concerned with population health. Subject areas include public health issues relating to infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases; One Health; availability, quality and utilisation of data for health monitoring and surveillance; mental health; prevention strategies; population movement/migration; health policies.

The aim of the initiative is for participating researchers to identify joint interests in the area of public health and initiate new collaborative ventures.
The partner funding organisations aim to facilitate this exchange by means of the following measures:
1. An invitation to submit posters reflecting the participating researchers' expertise, research interests and ideas for collaborative research projects and subsequently to view other participants' posters.
2. A subsequent call for DFG proposals for funding of the Initiation of International Collaboration.
3. A Status Workshop in Bonn/Germany to convene all researchers due to receive funding under this call for the Initiation of International Collaboration.

Lara Berens
phone +49 228 885-2926

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