Enhancing Group Search with Graph Techniques
Fördergeber - Sonstige;
Es handelt sich um eine Kooperation mit Ruth Hoffmann und Mun See Chang, gefördert durch den EPSRC. Auszug aus der Beschreibung:
This project intends on tackling search algorithms in computational group theory with techniques commonly used in solving graph problems. We have identified 3 techniques from graph search problems that will be useful in group search. We split these into several objectives, some of them with more collaborators and more on the practical side (implementation). The more theoretical aspects are:
(1) Investigate effective nogoods for group search
(2) Devise and evaluate the effectiveness of variable and value-ordering heuristics
(3) Investigate the impact of restarting the search at regular intervals
This project intends on tackling search algorithms in computational group theory with techniques commonly used in solving graph problems. We have identified 3 techniques from graph search problems that will be useful in group search. We split these into several objectives, some of them with more collaborators and more on the practical side (implementation). The more theoretical aspects are:
(1) Investigate effective nogoods for group search
(2) Devise and evaluate the effectiveness of variable and value-ordering heuristics
(3) Investigate the impact of restarting the search at regular intervals
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Waldecker
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II
Theodor-Lieser-Str. 5
Halle (Saale)
Tel.:+49 345 5524623
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